
AS Film Opening

Friday 29 November 2013

Character Profiles for Alone

Maddie Clark (Played by Megan Larner-Hoskins): Maddie is a typical teenage girl with a good normal life. She has a younger brother called Ben, a mother called Susan and a father called Peter. She also has a boyfriends called Dale. They are a well-off family and are very rich. She tends to be quite stuck up and likes to think she is very popular.

Ben Clark (Played by Ben Flatt): Ben is a brother to Maddie. He is a few years younger than Maddie. He is spoilt and gets most things he asks for. He lives on his xbox in his room. He tends to only come down for meal times.

Susan Clark (Played by Leigh Flatt): Mother to Maddie and Ben, she lives a life of luxury. She has a husband, Peter, that earns a lot of money so that they can afford the luxuries in life. She is very stuck up and boasts about how perfect her life is with all of the money that they can have.

Peter Clark: Peter, the father to Maddie and Ben, is a hard working business man. He is rarely around around as he is always away on business. He is always expensively dressed as he earns lots of money.

Dale Smith: Dale is Maddie's boyfriend. Although he does not have the luxuries that Maddie has. He trys really hard to impress Maddie. He is an only child and lives with his single mum in an apartment. He attends the same school as Maddie and is in the same year.

Location Shots for Alone #2

Here is Maddies brothers room

This is the alarm clock we will use to wake Maddie up

This is Maddies parents bedrooom

An image of the hall way and front door

This is the dining table where her family will fade out from

The last picture is of the open front door for the final shot

Location Shots for Alone #1

The front of the house that we are filming at

Here is an image of the sofa that Maddie will sit on

Another shot of the sofa and living room

The TV that will show no signal when Maddie turns it on

The side angle of the stairs

Front angle of the stairs
This is the shot we would use for when Maddies feet come out of bed

Script for Alone

Script for Alone
The film opening is set in an ordinary house with a middle class, healthy family. She wakes up one morning to find all of her family to have disappeared and she starts to have hallucinations of the previous day. After Maddie walks downstairs and realises the TV is not working and she calls for her dad
Maddie: (Shouts) DAAD! DAD!
She then walks up the stairs and peers into her parents’ bedroom. She then looks over her shoulder and calls.
 Maddie: (Calls over her shoulder) Ben
Her facial expressions show that she is starting to panic and hyperventilate.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Shot Lists

We are going to use a variaty of shots in our opening sequence. We will use different shots for different effects.

The camera shots we are going to use are:
Medium long shots
Establishing shots
Close ups
Extreme close ups
Over the shoulder shots
Medium shots
Tracking shots
Perspective shots
Paning shots

Risk Assessment for Alone

Storyboard Video for Alone

Here is our storyboard for our film opening 'Alone'. It has been narrated by Ben Flatt, Edited by Ben Smith and drawn by Megan.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Our Insparations - The Walking Dead

We chose to analyse this film opening as it is similar to what we want to do and has similar themes. It has the theme of loneliness which is a big part of our film opening. I'm going to focus on the titles as they are presented quite well in this.

The font used is very bold and is in capitals which makes it stand out. All of the titles appear in front of a scene of a deserted place. There are pictures of the cast and their names appear when they are on screen. This is a good way to show people which actor/actress is who. The title appears in front of a black background so it stands out and informs people of the title. some titles fade out and others move across the screen until the shot changes. The shots are always moving and the transitions and fast and build tension. The music also builds a lot of suspense and tension.

The scenes feel deserted because there is no one there and everything is dirty and broken. We aren't going to make our scenes look like this. Our scenes are going to look like a town that is lived in except that no one is there. This will be mysterous and people won't think it's a zombie film.

Storyboard Script for Alone

1. In the first shot we will pan around the room to Maddie’s face. This will be an establishing shot and will tell you about the character it belongs to. We will instantly see the main character and learn about her by looking at her room. We will be told a bit about her background and also about her interests.

2. In this shot we are going to have the clock change from 8:59 to 9:00. The alarm will then go off and Maddie will turn it off.

3. The next shot will be taken from under the bed and we will see Maddie’s feet come out of the bed. This will be a close up.

4. We will then have an over the shoulder shot of Maddie putting her hair down and shaking it.

5. Maddie will then walk down the stairs which we will film from the bottom of the stairs.

6. We will then cut to a different angle of her walking down the stairs which will be a medium shot.

7. Maddie will then walk into the living room which we will see from a medium long shot. This will ensure that the audience knows that this is the living room.

8. There will then be an over the shoulder shot of Maddie trying to turn the television on.

9. There will then be an extreme close up of Maddie’s hand trying to turn the television on.

10. We will then have a close up of the television which will have no signal.

11. In the next shot Maddie will call her dad. This will be a medium shot.

12. After she doesn’t hear a reply she rushes upstairs and we will see this from the side of the stairs.

13. There will then be an extreme close up of Maddie’s hand reaching for the door handle.

14. The camera will then switch to the inside and Maddie will peep around the corner.

15. The next shot will be a perspective shot. We will see Maddie walk into her parent’s room to find an empty bed.

16. Maddie will then call her brother by shouting for him. This will be an over the shoulder close up shot.

17. Maddie will then run across the landing and we will see this with a shot of her legs running past the camera.

18. The next shot will be a medium shot of Maddie opening her brother’s door. On the storyboard it says jack on the door we are going to change this to Ben.

19. This is another perspective shot of an empty bedroom.

20. There will then be a close up of Maddies face as she starts to panic.

21. Maddie will then rush down the stairs again which we will see from a medium shot of the stairs.

22. Maddie will then run to the doorway to find her family. This will be an long shot of the family sitting at the table.

23. This will be the same shot but the family will fade away but Maddie will stay there.

24. In an act of panic Maddie gets her phone out and tries to phone someone but there are no contacts. This will be a close up of the phone.

25. Maddie goes to run outside but her boyfriend is in the hallway. She goes to hug him. This will be a medium shot.

26. This will be a medium shot of him fading away.

27. She will then look around for him which will be a medium shot.

28. This is the first possible ending. Maddie will open the door and the screen will fade out to black. This will be a medium long shot.

29. The second ending will be Maddie walking out the house and looking around but no one being there. This will be a perspective shot.

30. The third possible ending will be Maddie running towards the camera with a scared expression on her face.

Storyboard Comparison for Alone

First Draft: Here is the storyboard that Ben Smith drew to give us a basic idea of the shots we were going to use and the different angles.

Shots 1-8

Shots 9-28
Shots 29-34

Final Draft: We then gave the basic drawings to Megan to draw up all of the shots as she took A level art. Here is her work.

Shots 1-6

Shots 7-12

Shots 13-18

Shots 19-24

Shots 25-27 and 3 possible endings

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Pictures of Team Working

Here is a picture on Ben Flatt working on our meeting diary to upload to our blog.
Here is a picture of Ben Smith looking at the mise en scene of the film opeing of I Am Legend.

This is a picture of Megan drawing out the final version of our storyboard.

Monday 18 November 2013

Our Inspirations - I Am Legend

'I am Legend' is a film about a man living in an abandoned city because of a zombie apocalypse.

When watching this film we noticed how similar in some ways it is to our opening film sequence. At the very start of 'I am Legend' we notice the camera angles are very wide to show the grand scale of the city and how empty the streets of New York are because of the zombie Apocalypse. They've also done various birds eye views of the empty city. Noticeably they've put the titles on top of buildings and on streets to make it look like its included in the surroundings.

Our Insparations - 28 Days Later

28 days later is a film about a man that was in a comma and he wakes up to find it is the end of the world and everyone has turned into zombies.

When watching the trailer we saw that the man was all alone in London and it was what used to be a crowded street. This is the look and feeling we want to put across in our film. I really liked how that the phones were swinging from their cord as it shows that there is no one around to help in person or over the phone. This is the similarity between the two films. I really like the costumes that they have used as they fit the genre well. As he wakes up in hospital he leaves with only his hospital gown. We would like to recreate the scale that they have done in this film but we realise that it will be extremely hard. We did not want our film to be in the dark as it would be to cliché. We really like how fear is created even though the lighting does not fit in with the feelings. This is another reason why this film inspired us to film one like it. There are very little props in the trailer and we think that we would change that. We will show televisions and mobile phones to show the time that the film is set in. We have decided to do this so the film will seem more realistic to a young teenage girl of the present day.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Monsters Inc Opening Sequence

Alone Production Diary

Meeting 1
As soon as we were put into our group we decided what idea we were going to use. We decided by pitching our ideas to each other. We decided that Benjamin and Ben's ideas were too hard as they used a lot of props and we didn't have access to them. We had to be realistic and go with idea we know we could do. We came to the conclusion that Megan's idea was the best as we could do it well and we wouldn't have to buy props. The idea was also very original and will look very good if it is done well.

Meeting 2
We all looked at the film we had chosen and we tweaked the plan. We tweaked the plan so that we were all happy with the idea and we gave it some structure. We changed some of the characters decided who would play them when it came to filming. We thought about the setting and where we could film it. We created a mood board as a group and thought of films that were similar to our idea. We also came up with a title and all agreed that Alone suited the film very well.

Meeting 3
In this lesson we worked on our pitch and then pitched our film to the class. We received feedback from our pitch which I wrote down so we could remember it and take it into consideration when planning our film. We learnt a lot from this feedback and we made some slight changes because of it. The people we were pitching our film to gave us suggestions of shots that we discussed and thought about using.

Meeting 4
In this lesson we looked at and analysed some similar films that inspired us. We analysed the openings of I Am Legend. We looked at the titles and shots they used and got ideas for how we could do things similar. We discussed some of the shots we saw and said what we liked and if we could do the same. Some of the shots in I Am Legend were too hard as they were taken in the air and we do not have the facilities to do similar shots. We also searched for pictures in google images to find pictures that related Alone. We added these pictures to our mood board.

Meeting 5
We carried on with looking at similar films and pictures. We gained more ideas for shots and we looked more into ideas for titles that we could use. We looked at different fonts and colours and also looked at how similar films present their titles. We discussed ways in which we could give the feeling of being alone and make out that everyone had gone. We also discussed how we could present the titles including the fonts and colours.

Meeting 6
We all went off and finished our analysis of similar films and we then got together and looked at the mise-en-scene of 28 days Later. We looked at how we could incorporate some of the mise en scene in our film opening. We also looked at how we could use similar shots and angles to give the theme of being alone. We gained some ideas and drew some of them down so when we make our storyboard we still have them to refer to and use if we think it will work well.

Meeting 7
In this session we did a rough storyboard and told each other what we thought would look good and work well. To start with we put in all of the ideas and cut out some of the bits that weren't very interesting and we were able to prepare our storyboard so that we had several ways that we could film it. This will allow us to film multiple shots and use the best one that gives the right effect and doesn't get boring. We will have to overshoot which is good as we don't have to keep going out to film and will get all of our shots at once.

Meeting 8
In this lesson we did a neat storyboard which we will take with us when we shoot. The neat storyboard will be a refined version of the storyboard that me made before. On the storyboard we are going to write the types of shots and the timings. This will show us what types of shots we want to film and how long we need to film for. While Megan was drawing the storyboard up me and Ben were looking at sound effects and visual effects we could use. We gained some good ideas and learnt how we could present different themes we are going to use.

Meeting 9
In this session we finished off the storyboard and made multiple endings. We made multiple endings so that we could choose the best one when it came to editing. This will ensure that we are happy with the ending and have options when its done. I did a risk assessment and we all thought of ways in which we could avoid hurting ourselves. Now we have made a risk assessment there is a much lower risk of us being injured. This means we will all be safe when we have to film our opening. Making a risk assessment is very important and reduces the risk of us being hurt greatly.

Meeting 10
We took pictures of our storyboard and I wrote out a script for the storyboard. The script I wrote is going to explain our ideas for our storyboard and explaining what is going on. This will be a good way to tell people how our film is going to be presented. I will explain why we chose the types of shots and other aspects of each shot. We also uploaded pictures of us doing our work as we wanted to show how we are all working individually and together to get as much done as possible.

Meeting 11
We researched titles from the same genres and we looked at different fonts we could use in Premiere. We looked at what fonts would be appropriate for our genre and the scene. We looked at how different films use titles use titles in different ways. We also looked at transitions for our titles and how they could appear. This also had to fit with our genre and the scene. We looked at other creative ways titles have been incorporated into scenes and thought about whether we could do something similar.

Meeting 12
In this meeting we edited our storyboard production and put it all together. We made sure that we presented our storyboard imaginatively and clearly so it could be understood. I took pictures of where we are going to film and I made sure it was appropriate and fitted in with the story. I will take pictures of everywhere we are filming. When i am taking these pictures I am going to ensure that it is a safe place to film.

Meeting 13
Today we did separate tasks on our own so that we get a lot done. We set each other tasks so that we were productive as possible. The tasks we tried to accomplish were the prop list, shot list and synopsis planning. These objectives could be completed individually so we were as productive as possible.

Meeting 14
We went to Ben's house to film our first draft. We tried to get as many shots done as possible and we didn't do our shots with costumes. We wanted to get an idea of how our shots would look and if we would need to improve them. We filmed each shot a couple of times so that we could see what looked best and if there were any mistakes we didn't have to go out and film it again.

Meeting 15
We made a poster to promote our film. We took a picture of Megan infront of a greenscreen and edited her infront of a picture of a house. This took a quite a while as we had to smooth out the edges and make it look like she was there. We also found some suitable music. The music fitted very well with the opening with our film. We disscusse as a group if the music was good enough and whether it will fit with the genreand whats going on.

Meeting 16
We went to film our shots and filmed them a couple of times. We filmed them a couple of times so we didn't have to go back and film again. We had to think about continuity and make sure the lighting was good. We made sure that the sound fitted with the scene and there wasn't any background sound.

Meeting 17
We edited all of our shots and added our titles. we added them in a suitable order. We also considered how long they were on screen for. We also ensured that the ttiles were clear on screen and didn't blend in with the background. We also thought about the font and we made sure it convayed the effect we wanted. We also added institions so it looked more proffesional.

Meeting 18
We recieved feedback from our peers and teachers on our rough cut. We gathered up all of the feedback notes we recieved and wrote them up so we knew what we had to change. Getting this feedback showed us what people liked and disliked about our work. This allowed us to make changes so that we could fix things that people don't like.

Meeting 19
We looked at the feedback we received and did some more filming. We re shot some clips as people didn't like them or they were unclear. We had to make the shots look like it was all done in the same day so we had to replicate what the house was like when we filmed previously. This allowed us to prevent conterneity errors.

Skyfall Opening Sequence

Monday 11 November 2013

Alone Feedback From the Class

After pitching our film to the class, we were given some feedback on how we could improve our film further. The main point that we had to work on was to not put too much into the short opening. We were given ideas of how we could condense all of the important scenes into one. We will use fades and small flashbacks to show previous activities of the night before. We will also use two layers and have two different shots other each other so it looks like she is remembering her family.

Alone Film Pitch

Here is the film that we pitched to the class. Megan came up with the initial idea but we then spent a lesson perfecting it and improving the pitch.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Individual Film Pitch The Lost

Here is my Prezi for an idea I came up with to create for my groups overall opening. My idea was not chosen as we thought it would be hard to film and to get hold of all of the props to make it look realistic. Also as there is only three of us, it would be hard to get all of the characters in shot without asking others if they would like to participate.

Saturday 2 November 2013

The Encounter Evaluation

Here is my evaluation for my prelim task 'The Encounter'. I have used Prezi instead of Microsoft PowerPoint.

Friday 1 November 2013

Art of the Title

1. What is the definition of a Title Sequence?

A title sequence is a way that films and television programmes present their title. They are normally visual and colourful to attract your attention and they normally show the cast and the name of the film or programme.

2. What is the function of a Title Sequence?

The function of a title sequence is to help the audience understand the genre of the film and what it is about. It also needs to intrigue the audience so that they will watch the film of television programme.

3. Name three films featured in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence?

The three film titles that stood out to me were: 'Star Wars' 'Casino Royale' and The Pink Panther'

4. Select a film Title Sequence shown in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence and discuss how the Title Sequence uses Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements and what kind of mood/feeling is created as a result? Name of chosen Film Title Sequence: Use of Typography Elements (text): Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling:

When I watched 'A Brief History of the Art of the Title' I saw the Casino Royale opening introduction. The introduction is very good. As the film revolves around poker, the into has lots of references to a pack of cards and the four suits. The movement is clean and looks really good. The choice of song was really important to choose as it sets the mood that the audience are feeling when they are watching the film. The main colours used were red, black and white as they all stand out when together and do not blend together. Even though the characters are in black, white and red you can still tell which one is James. As there are lots of guns and fighting in the titles, it makes the audience realise the genre and feel like it will be an action film as there will be gun fights and car chases.

5. What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film?

The visuals are mainly in black and red to represent the colours of playing cards. As James Bond's enemy's are red, it represents the blood that is shed when he kills them. The text stands out well and is very clear to read which helps the audience to enjoy the film so that they are not finding it difficult to read the text on the screen. The music suits the film as it relates to guns and saving lives which is shown by the animations on the screen. The animations show the audience clearly what content will be in the film by showing all of the guns and violence and it also portrays the theme of action as there are lots of fight scenes and explosions.

6. Select another film Title Sequence shown in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence and discuss how the Title Sequence uses Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements and what kind of mood/feeling is created as a result? Name of chosen Film Title Sequence: Use of Typography Elements (text): Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling:

The opening scene to The Pink Panther Has been animated to make it more interesting to the audience. It shows the main characters and portrays the personalities and characteristics of the two characters as the inspector is very clumsy and can be outsmarted easily. The music is easily recognised and is a happy tune. It reflects the film as being funny and happy instead of it being a horror film. The audience feel relaxed when watching the opening as it is funny and there is no reason to be nervous of what is to come.

7. What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film?

The text is in pink to represent the film and the colour of the diamond. Pink is bright, happy colour and this is subliminally sent to the audience. As the inspector is trying to hunt the panther and he keeps falling over it sends a message to the audience that the film is going to be happy and funny. The soundtrack also helps to send across the message that it is a family friendly film and will be a comedy filled with an inspector being really clumsy.

8. Name of 1st chosen Film Title Sequence created by Richard Morrison:

The Dreamers

9. What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film? Mood/feeling:

The Dreamers - The typography is done very well. I like how is weaves and appears out of the scaffolding of the buildings. The white stands out over the black, blue and red which is good because it is easily visible to the audience. I liked how the title of the film had letters at different sizes which makes the film a little more original and less boring then just a normal white font that is all the same size. The music used is a cheerful, upbeat tune which sends a message to the audience that it will be a happy film and possibly a musical. When the text finishes, the camera tilts down to show a young man in a suit looking around. The audience are already asking questions like 'who is he?' and 'what is he doing?'.

10. What does Richard Morrison explain about the Film Title Sequence?

Richard Morrison says 'As a creative, I find the idea is always the key and the means to do it is a secondary matter. Because of the nature of The Dreamers — its plot and timing — I wanted this sequence to look organic, just like in the old days. So I just started piecing visually abstract elements together, like in a puzzle, and decided to completely abandon any complex animation effects. It just did not fit in with the essence of the movie.'

11. Does Richard Morrison feel the Film Title Sequence was successful, why or why not?

Richard Morrison thought that the film opening was very successful as he said that you could not just press delete if you did not like something, it all had to be planned in advance. He had a strong belief that the film opening would work and in the end all of his hard work paid off.

12. Name of 2nd chosen Film Title Sequence created by Richard Morrison: What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film?

Vantage Point - The opening to Vantage Point has lots of bits of film cut up so you cant see the whole of the picture. This is so that the audience are left guessing what is in the rest of the shot instead of them just being shown. When there is the image of the sniper rifle, you can only see the gun. You cannot see what it is pointing at which makes the audience question who is going to be shot. This makes the audience believe that it could be an attempt to assassinate someone.

13. What does Richard Morrison explain about the Film Title Sequence?

Richard Morrison says 'It is an elegant piece. I liked the idea of random elements coming together before our very eyes, and I thought it would be very clever to use the red laser dot as a motif. It immediately introduced the theme of assassination and threat. Also, I think that the dark gold palette of these images strikes a chord with the filters used later to film Salamanca — there was this smooth transition between the titles and the first scenes shot from the helicopter.
The sequence had to be based around the idea of perspectives. So I graphically tried to create a web of intrigue to give viewers an accurate insight into what they can expect in the movie.'

 14. Does Richard Morrison feel the Film Title Sequence was successful, why or why not?

Richard Morrison feels the title was successful as he describes it as 'an elegant piece'. It is successful as it gives very little away about the film which keeps the audience interested. He also says that it gives a clear message of the themes to the audience.