
AS Film Opening

Friday 11 October 2013

Toy Story 3 Opening Analysis

The first shot is a crane shot that swoops through some rocks and onto the train. There are a lot of close ups of faces and there are also some long shots like when the train falls off the bridge and when Buzz Saves the train. There is also a zoom in on the TNT on the bridge. When the Spaceship comes over the canyon, the camera moves up into the eye of the pig and then into the control section. I thought this was a good idea instead of just having a straight cut.

Mise En Scene
The setting for the first scene is Andy playing with his toys, although the audience does not know this yet. It is Andy's story brought to life. It is set in a large canyon with a western theme. They seem to be the only people around for miles. The opening has lots of bright colours. This emphasises how happy Andy is in his room playing with his toys. The characters have a few props like whips and eye patches.

In the opening there are both diegetic and non diegetic sounds. We can hear the train and the characters talking but we can also hear music to help emphasise the train scene and when the train falls off the bridge. This helps the viewer to feel the correct emotion from the music.

As the film was made by computer most of it was edited but items like the force field and the explosion from the TNT on the bridge were over exaggerated to seem like a bigger disaster. Also when Jessie calls Rex, the ground shakes and opens to let him out of the ground.

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